Spider Suite 2: Team Welcome

Firstly a round of applause for the three great teams:

  • Solitaire Draw 1
  • Solitaire Draw 3
  • Spider Suite 1

They have been consistently coming up with opening moves that not only get you on the Leaderboards, they give you a shot at getting to the top of the Leaderboards.

Being able to get to the top of the Leaderboard even once is an achievement. I am not sure how these guys can do it every day.

A special round of applause for the “Spider Suite 1” team. They have routinely put out opening moves that give you a 10+ move advantage over the best moves on the Leaderboards.

Many of you have been asking the same question:

How can you complete “Spider Suite 1” challenge in 82 moves?

Stay tuned. We will have some interesting announcement coming soon.

Now I would like to welcome our fourth team:

  • Spider Suite 2

Anyone who has plays this challenge knows that it is, in many ways, harder than the previous three. In the previous challenges one can solve them. The trick is to try and do it in as few moves as possible. With “Spider Suite 2” even solving the challenge is hard. I have wasted countless hours trying to come up with a strategy to improve my chances but nothing seems to help. Each daily challenge requires a different way of looking at the problem.

This brings me back to our team. It was not easy putting together a team that really enjoys the challenge offered by “Spider Suite 2” as are good at it. We finally have a team and I have very high confidence in them. They are just getting started but already they have come up with incredible opening moves for the last three challenges. Because of the complexity of this challenge we are sharing the first 50 moves instead of the usual 40. Even with these extra moves, there is plenty of effort required to get to the Leaderboards. Don’t expect an easy ride.

One my friend mentioned that Solitaire is derived from Solitary which traces its roots to the Latin word Solitarius (Meaning: solitude, loneliness). Hence it is not possible to have a “Solitaire Community”. That phrase is an oxymoron. You guys have proven him wrong. Thanks for being a part of this community!