Author: Zak
Solitaire Draw 3 Challenge (2018/03/04)
Our best solution 100 moves:
Solitaire Draw 1 Challenge (2018/03/04)
Our best solution 103 moves:
Spider Solitaire: Improving Your Game
When I started playing Mobility Spider Solitaire Daily Challenge, I could complete the challenge but had difficulty finding a solution that required less than 100 moves. Now, on most days, I can find a solution that requires less than 90 moves. In this post I will share the strategy I used to reduce the number of moves.
Continue reading “Spider Solitaire: Improving Your Game”
Spider Suite 1 Challenge (2018/03/03)
Our best solution 88 moves:
Solitaire Draw 3 Challenge (2018/03/03)
Our best solution 93 moves:
Solitaire Draw 1 Challenge (2018/03/03)
Our best solution 113 moves:
Solitaire: Understanding Auto Complete
MobilityWare Solitaire App has an Auto Complete feature that gives you the opportunity of permitting the App to finishing the game for you. This feature can be very powerful when used correctly. This post tries to demystify some of the subtle nuances of this feature.
Continue reading “Solitaire: Understanding Auto Complete”
March Calendar Theme
Goodbye St. Valentine. Hello St. Patrick.